Why 2025 will be a big year for “confex” events
As we head into 2025, confex events are proving to be the future. But what makes them so effective? And how are they reshaping the way we think about events?
Hosted buyers are all about efficiency. While they appear to enjoy a relatively charmed event experience, they are primarily serious about their business, coming to events with the goal of avoiding time wasted otherwise on online searches, email chains, and phone calls.For event organizers, therefore, matchmaking hosted buyers with exhibitors should prioritize efficiency; a hosted buyer’s meeting app, for example, should be about balancing B2B networking exposure at the event with generating relevant, good quality leads.What does efficient matchmaking mean on the ground? It’s about saving precious time with mutually agreed-upon, personalized matches, offering a curated experience before, during and after the event, and respecting the privacy of hosted buyers by empowering them to choose whom they wish to connect with.All these aspects of efficient matchmaking involve personalization. And the only way to offer a high degree of personalization on a large scale, with hundreds or thousands of hosted buyers, is through Artificial Intelligence (AI).Here are a few ways Grip, powered by AI, offers an event app for hosted buyers meetings that helps event organizers personalize event matchmaking -
Grip’s pre-event professional matchmaking solution is to have attendees register using a social media account of their choice (such as LinkedIn), with our Artificial Intelligence engine then matching relevant parties. For event organizers, it’s goodbye to reams of spreadsheets and data-entry.Pre-event meeting scheduling happens within hours rather than days. This happens after both parties have indicated a mutual interest in each other’s areas of business. Hosted buyers can ‘swipe right’ on individuals on their personalized list whom they’d be interested to meet, or left ‘skip’, if they’re not. Depending on how they interact with that list, a fresh set of prospects are generated, and so on. It’s a virtuous cycle of feedback and improvement. Once the other party also swipes ‘Interested’, it’s a ‘Handshake, and both parties can agree to a timeslot and location to meet. This can be changed or rescheduled as required.
As a first layer of privacy, Grip’s AI carefully curates the prospects shown to attendees. Hosted buyers and Exhibitors retain as much anonymity as they can handle.Exhibitors need only to swipe ‘Interested’ on those prospects they reckon to be good quality leads. This sifts out opportunists in unrelated businesses trying to stuff their meeting calendars for a post-event report.
Hosted buyers have their own, unique set of digital content the moment they open the app, with personalized recommendations of which speaker best suits their interest. (Smart) Attendee Lists mean no more ‘networking roulette’ with whom they might meet.On-location, hosted buyers enjoy real-time recommendations. That means that, in the midst of the event, the AI recommendation engine acts as a virtual concierge, making recommendations in real time, and learning from the hosted buyer’s interaction with it to source new prospects for their personalized list.